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Friday, January 30, 2015

Update For friday Jan 30, 2015 Premarket

The market went down so sharply on Tuesday and Wednesday  and so many people were shorting the stocks that a  short covering rally yesterday was inevitable.  Specialists do add fuel to the fire but who are the fools  who buy in these risky markets? Now that the sentiment has reversed , we should have further declines to new lows below yesterday's lows.
GDP for 4th Quarter was up only 2.4%  compared to 5% in 3rd Quarter. That should bring the market down nicely. It clearly points out again that printing more dollars does not bring growth.

Some of the indices  like Russell 2000 are starting their 3rd step down  At any rate we expect new lows today or may be by Monday.  The rally in DJI  may have been because DJI  found support near lows established in December. When that support is broken we should have further
declines to new lows. We have no Buy signal yet.

Weakest sector remains the Russell 2000.
Long term interest rates are hitting new lows today. Our Long Term Interest rate Motif is doing very well.

The dollat went up so much last year that it is having adverse effect on companies which have export markets and will continue to do so at least in the first half of this year.

Natural gas went down yesterday and  Natural Gas 3X Bearish ETF   DGAZ went up nicely. We expect it to go still higher.  Our Natural Gas Motif is the best performing. motif this year.

Volatility is expected to go to new highs when the down trend resumes.  This motif is also performing well.

Gold and Silver completed their 4th step down yesterday and are ready to  go to new highs  above recent highs in step 5 up. After that we expect a nice decline.

Sanctions against Russia were extended by 6 months yesterday in spite of opposition  by Greece.
Greece can easily be saved by Russia and this is start of cozy relations between the two countries. Russia reduced their interest rate from 17% to 15% today. Ruble weakened immediately and their market is now weakening as well.

 We rebalanced our Russian  and Chinese Motifs yesterday. So we  became  bearish on both Chinese and Russian markets yesterday based on technical analysis alone.
Indian market remains the strongest worldwide. It is up 8% since the beginning of this year.

Weakness in Chinese market is also starting because of weakness in US economy.
All of our motifs are based on our book where we use trend following approach. Most mutual funds are showing declines this year and for the whole year.  As the year moves on their performance will become worse. What a contrast!



NYA Will start going down again to new lows


GLD is ready to go up again

NUGT  Ready to go above recent highs
DGAZ  Going higher

UGAZ  Making New Lows
YINN  Giving a SELL  Signal
Yang  Going Higher

Russian market starting to go down again and RUSS will now go up .

RUSL  going down

XLE  going Lower
ERX  Going lower
ERY  going Higher
UVXY  Going Higher
SVXY  Going Lower


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Update For Wednesday Jan 28, 2014 Premarket

As predicted in our last post , the market had a serious decline yesterday after slight increase on Monday to give the specialists the opportunity to unload stocks they got on Friday. In the morning  yesterday DJI was almost down 400 points . The rest of the day was spent distributing those shares to retail investors who buy on the dips.  There will be more distribution done  today before the market resumes its decline

 Continuing tomorrow  and in subsequent days , the market will continue to go lower with short term intraday rallies.

As predicted short term Dollar is going lower  and Euro going higher.  Oil will go lower after any short term rally.

Rally in Natural Gas was due to the snow storm but we are ready to go lower to new lows.

Volatility will  go down and up  following the market but eventually   will make new highs

Gold will consolidate here before going higher.  In the second quarter we expect Gold to go below $1100 before it goes to all time highs.

Long Term Interest rates are going lower because of persistent deflation  and low growth  world wide, European QE  and dovish Fed. Under the low growth scenario,  our market is over valued, profits are going to go down, geopolitical problems are rising  and stocks will go lower.

DJI   Rally & then Decline
SPY  Rally & Then Decline
IWM  Higher then lower
TNA   Higher and then lower
ERX   Eventually going lower

DGAZ   Going higher
UGAZ  Going Lower
UVXY   Lower and Then Higher

TLT   going higher as interest rates going lower
Going Higher


Monday, January 26, 2015

Update Monday Jan 26 , 2015 Premarket

As expected the second step ended on Friday morning, and the market may be  ready for the 3rd step down which itself has 5 sub steps. The coming decline will be sharp and can take indices and most stocks to new lows below October lows.

Oil will continue to go down and Volatility can go to new highs. To see clearly  the elliott wave , you can look at NYA  ( New york Composite Index). It peaked in November and on Thursday  it completed the step two up and  started  Step 3 down on Friday morning. SPY and DJI did not complete their peak till late December and after completing the first step down , it completed a-b-c rally in step 2 up on  Thursday . It started Step 3 down on Friday morning.

Russell 2000 had a peak in March last year and had a nice rally till late in December. Recent rally was relatively weak and it is ready to go down again.

Dollar made new highs last week and euro made new lows. Since most people are bearish on Euro and
Bullish on Dollar, we will have a reversal  as early as today  after making new lows and  lasting several weeks. Eventually Euro will go down again and may go down  below  parity.

In the new Elections, the leftist party won a majority. Either Germany ( with very large  growing trade surpluses) either agrees to renegotiate Greece's debt in favor of Greece or Greece will split from euro zone. With depression going on in Greece, they have no other choice.

We have so much natural gas , that unless USA agrees to export gas world wide, Natural Gas prices will continue to go to new lows and our Natural Gas Motif will continue to go higher .

DJI  Big Decline has started to new lows
DJT  Going Much lower

IWM'  Ready to go down
TNA  Going Lower
TZA  Rally on the way
UVXY  Going Higher
SVXY   Going lower
GLD  Going Lower and then a nice rally soon
GDX  Going Lower and then  rally
NUGT  Decline and then a nice rally

XLE  Going Lower
ERX  Going Lower
ERY  Going Higher
YINN  3X Chinese ETF
DGAZ  Going Higher

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