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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Update For Wednesday April 29, 2015 Premarket

The market is moving up and down which is typical of a market which is ready to go down after the insiders have sold near the top. The markets are totally manipulated and we may have seen the peak on Monday or DJI alone may try to make a new high. It is very easy to manipulate 30 stocks than 2000 stocks in Russell 2000.
Gold & Silver have finally broken through on the upside afetr consolidation for almost  month. This rally  should take Gold to highs above $1300. Is it the start of a big rally or we will see a new decline in leg 5 down cannot be determined. As long as NUGT remains above 15 day moving average, we will stay long.
UVXY can also go up after the stock market starts going down which may have started on Monday
GDP growth of only 0.2 % when they were expecting a gain of already reduced  1% shows how bad the economy is. This in spite of spending Trillions of Dollar printing money.
This decline may be bigger than you have seen in the last 15 years.


 Dow Jones Transportation

Monday, April 27, 2015

Update For Monday April 27, 2015 Premarket

We have been expecting the market to peak out. It appears now that we made 3rd step high and March then the step 4 down in late March and now  final Step 5  resulting in new hig . We will not be surprised if  DJI also makes a new high. Russell is now selling at PE of 70.  Dow Jones Transportation did not make a new high and is non confirmation of DOW signal.

Gold has been consolidating  even though NUGT and GDX went below 15 day moving average. Today they are above 15 day moving average. Natural Gas made a new low today and DGAZ ids making new highs.





 DGAZ  making new high premarket

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Update For Wednesday April 22,2015 Premarket

The markets filled up the gap left on Friday as we had written in our last post. The decline resumed yesterday morning without the market making new highs. A bigger decline can happen now or after reaching a new high which will be extension of this rally

Gold and Silver have been consolidating for sometime and should rally now . US dollar   is ready to go down again against many currencies. Volatility UVXY  started the rise yesterday after the decline in the market started. This will rise only after the rally is over

 IWM  Going lower as Russell 2000 goes lower
 TNA  Going lower

 TZA  Going higher
 XLE  Ready to go lower
 GLD Going higher as gold rises
 NUGT  Ready to go higher
DUST  Going Lower

 ERX  Going Lower
 ERY going higher
 UVXY  Going Higher
 SVXY   Going lower as the market declines

Monday, April 20, 2015

Update For Monday April 20, 2015

As we have been warning you for sometime, the market declined sharply on Friday and wiped out all the gains for this year. Today it will fill up the gap left in the charts between Thursday and Friday.
After that it will resume its decline.
Energy stocks continue to move higher in spite of fundamentals.
 After 4th step correction, Natural gas has  resumed  its decline



TNA  gave a SELL  signal Friday
XLE  continues to go up
NUGT Consolidating
Getting ready to go up  after consolidating today
Getting ready to go up
SVXY  completing the final step up
SLV  consolidating
YINN correcting in 4th step down. #rd leg up was completedThursday

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