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Friday, July 31, 2015

Update for Friday July 31, 2015 Premarket

US market has bounced up in the last 3 days because of oversold condition on Monday. We cannot rule out the possibility of SPY going back to recent highs  because of the the new month bullishness but  it does not have to be. More likely is for the markets to start going down again to new lows.

Gold has been consolidating here  and a rally can start up anytime. Market in China has been dropping
like 1929 and the decline will continue. We expect Euro zone getting into trouble first followed by Japan into 2016.

Energy related stocks are still going down and we have had nice profits in ERY. Energy stocks will continue to  go lower.

Russell 2000 has been weak and will continue to come under pressure

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Update For Wednesday July 29. 2015

The market has gone up in the last two days because of the oversold condition and expectations of something out of Federal Reserve. We do not expect anything new out of the Federal Reserve.
The volume is very low today and no matter what the Federal Reserve says today, they cannot  stop the coming decline in the market. Advanced decline is not very good and Russell 2000 stocks and Energy stocks have not moved much in spite of rally in Oil from oversold condition.

Same thing can be said about Transportation Stocks. Volatility went down  because of rally in stocks. We will see new lows in stocks soon. We are in step 3 down and anything can happen on the downside.

China has not been able to stop the markets  from going down Stopping the trading in more than 50% of the stocks can stop the decline on a temporary basis but we will go lower.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Update For Monday July 27, 2015 Premarket

We warned you about  the coming decline on July 16, 2015 blog post. The market has been going down ever since led by transportation and Russell 2000. People who think that what is happening has no effect on us are mistaken. In spite of huge manipulation by the Chinese Government , Chinese market is not stabilizing. It is down 8.5% overnight. It is like having a decline of 1500 points in DJI.

We are in a deflationary environment where credit is going down in spite of Trillions of dollars of printing by USA, Japan, China,and Eurozone. Stock markets are being propped up by fake unemployment numbers, too much margin debt - public an private. The real employment is more like 15 % and not 5.3% as  advertised by our Federal Reserve.When will they stop meddling with markets?  Interest rates are going down to lows established earlier  before rising to new highs and US government will not be able to stop that.  No matter what Eurozone does, Greece will eventually go bankrupt and more good money is being thrown at them in the form of more loans and it will not work in the long run. Japan has now more debt as percentage of their GDP and when that country implodes ,  sadly it will be a site to behold in spite of fake rallies created by their Government by devaluing their currency . It will eventually fail.

Our Natural gas motif  has had a gain of more than 200% in the last 6 months. Our new Energy Motif has also been going up since we started that 3 months ago. ERY has been going up as the energy prices are going down. Based upon our book, TZA has been going up while the whole market is going down. We are having a sharp gain in UVXY ( Volatility ETF) even though we were a bit early because of manipulation by insiders. In the near term we expect Gold  mining stocks (GDX) to go up and NUGT will go up with it as the sentiment for Gold is at the lowest level ever.  After the short term rally is over and sentiment becomes more bullish Gold will go down again.Please do not buy paper Gold ETF GLD. Instead buy real Gold Coins and bars.

 Silver in 5 years
 Silver 1 year


 3X Reverse Natural Gas
 !0 Year Bond  TLT


 Chinese 3x Bull

 Chinese 3 X Bear

 Russian 3 X bear

IWM  Russell 2000 ETF
 TNA Russell 2000 Bull  3X
 Russell 2000 Bear 3X
 Chinese market FXI  ETF
 FAS  Finanacial 3X Bull
 Financial 3X Bear

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