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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gold & Silver Will Continue to Go Up

Gold and Silver related  Stocks will continue to go up

Let us look at GDX, & NUGT. GDX is major  Gold Miners  ETF whereas NUGT is 3X leveraged ETF based on GDX. After such heavy buying in GDX & NUGT, Friday was the rest day. Even on Friday  NUGT was the second heaviest traded stock on the NYSE.

Look at NUGT one day chart for Friday. The insiders took it up to $10.40 where public was buying and the insiders were selling. Within  one hour they brought it down to  near $9.05  and  insiders bought heavily. Then near the end they bought heavily  again even though Gold futures were going up at that time. I do not blame them They will now take it up  first to 12 and may be even higher to 20  in due course,
NUGT one day chart
We had recommended Silver in our posting of August 10, 2013. Let us look at chart of SLV & USLV which is  the triple leveraged ETF.
USLV ( Silver 3X  ETF

It went from a low of $4.27 to high of $9.27  . This is almost 100% move up in 6 trading days. If we have the same kind of move in NUGT , it would be 20  soon.

Now look at the rest of the market. The market will continue to go down till we get a BUY signal again


What about the interest rates. 20+ year bonds made new lows. We had a SELL signal in them in early May

Let us look at TLT . We feel sorry for all bond holders. They are still holding the bag based upon statements of Federal Reserve members.  Let us face it - they have lost control. This is the case of all Central bankers . They are pushing on a string and it will not work anymore.

After what happened to Detroit, Municipal bonds will also go down. There may be rallies in between but interest rates are going up and bonds are going down. This will happen whether Bernanke continues to buy $85 billion dollars worth of bonds or taper them down. Why are you increasing our debt load?Printing fake unemployment numbers will help nobody. Unemployment rate is 16% at least.


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