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Friday, June 21, 2013

Decline Will Continue With Rallies in Between

All the markets went below the 50 day moving averages. They are now headed towards 200 moving averages.
The biggest losses were in bonds of all kinds. See what  http://www.dailypfennig.com had to say

And ore from today's daily Pfenning:
Look at yesterday's charts:

The U.S. Treasury 10-year yield  is 2.45% this morning, folks. Do you know how much in losses that is in one day? That’s HUGE! Why on bonds more than anything else, Chuck? Well, the loss in the 10-year for one day was $2.30 a bond. Remember, bonds are bought in much larger chunks than other assets. The minimum on a Treasury is $10,000 (in most places) YIKES! And then large institutions, hold bonds by the tens of millions. Can you say “that hurts”? But stocks, currencies and metals didn’t exactly play nice… they hurt too! There was nowhere for an investor to go. So thanks Big Ben. You started this mess, you pumped the bubble full of air, and now you decide to pull a Big Al Greenspan. For all intents and purposes you jumped the shark tank, and repeated Big Al’s famous line about the stock markets’ “irrational exuberance.” Remember everyone going ballistic when Big Al made that comment back in 1996? What did the stock market do once it got over his statement and realized that he wasn’t going to do anything about stopping the “irrational exuberance?” That’s right… it kicked tail and took names later for the next 4 years! - See more at: http://www.dailypfennig.com/2013/06/20/throwing-a-cat-among-the-pigeons/#sthash.XC07qORN.dpuf
The above is Russell 2000. TZA goes up 30% if RUT goes down 10%.
Recently TZA has gone up 12% while RUT went down 4 %. See below recent chart of TZA for last 60 Days

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The U.S. Treasury 10-year yield  is 2.45% this morning, folks. Do you know how much in losses that is in one day? That’s HUGE! Why on bonds more than anything else, Chuck? Well, the loss in the 10-year for one day was $2.30 a bond. Remember, bonds are bought in much larger chunks than other assets. The minimum on a Treasury is $10,000 (in most places) YIKES! And then large institutions, hold bonds by the tens of millions. Can you say “that hurts”? But stocks, currencies and metals didn’t exactly play nice… they hurt too! There was nowhere for an investor to go. So thanks Big Ben. You started this mess, you pumped the bubble full of air, and now you decide to pull a Big Al Greenspan. For all intents and purposes you jumped the shark tank, and repeated Big Al’s famous line about the stock markets’ “irrational exuberance.” Remember everyone going ballistic when Big Al made that comment back in 1996? What did the stock market do once it got over his statement and realized that he wasn’t going to do anything about stopping the “irrational exuberance?” That’s right… it kicked tail and took names later for the next 4 years! - See more at: http://www.dailypfennig.com/2013/06/20/throwing-a-cat-among-the-pigeons/#sthash.XC07qORN.dpufhttp://share.solarcity.com/makemoney


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