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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Update For Wednesday July 22, 2015 Premarket

We have had a spike in NASDAQ and QQQ  and now  it is being reversed. We cannot rule out a-b-c decline which is followed by another rally to the previous highs.
In the case of SPY, it came very close to the previous highs as predicted in our post of 16th July.  DJI also came close to previous highs. DJI has wiped out five days rally in one day. We cannot rule out right now that DJI and SPY will try another rally to new highs. However low volume and more stocks going down on Monday and Tuesday tells us the the rally may be over as predicted last Thursday as we have warned you about change in direction any day.
NASDAQ was also up on the back of just 4 stocks, Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. Russell 2000 (IWM ) and Energy stocks  has been leading on the downside and will continue to do so as it is not easy to manipulate 2000 stocks.
There is no doubt in our mind that GOLD was manipulated on Monday night . Just 5 minutes before the opening of Shanghai market  millions of ounces of paper shorts were instituted so Gold can go down and the bank-sters  can cover their short positions. When USA, Japan and Eurozone are manipulating the price of Gold, it is not easy for ordinary citizens to trade properly except by following the trend. Gold  mining stocks should be accumulated and profits should be taken in DUST today.

 Silver did not decline as much as Gold.We continue to believe that some amount of Real Gold should be in your portfolio. Central banks continue to buy more Gold and we believe that China has now nearly 4400 tons of Gold next only to USA. If Greek citizens had been holding Gold instead of  Greek Euros, they will not be suffering today. Greece is getting more money from Euro zone but they will not pay back  most of these loans.

This year on October 20, it is very likely that China's currency will become part of IMF's SDR and thus will become a  reserve currency. There will be a massive move from Dollars to the Chinese currency. So we are warning you ahead of time. Dollar is on its way to make a new high in the 5th leg up and then we will see a major  decline in dollars. A country which has had deficits in all of the last 15 years  will not continue to go to new highs. We have created 8 trillion dollars worth  paper money just since 2008. We owe more money to the rest of the world than any other country.


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