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Monday, June 29, 2015

Update for Monday June 29, 2015 Premarket

Update for Monday  June 29, 2015  Premarket
Greece decided to take the plunge during the weekend to not agree to terms imposed by the rest of Euro zone. Capital controls have been imposed on the Greek people by the Greek Govt plunging the country into chaos. The Megaphone is in the hands of the current  ruling party which is asking its people to say NO to the eurozone offer of more austerity. But when the Greek people will see more chaos (No food, No Gasoline, No Money, closed banks, No pensions etc) in the next few days, they may vote YES. Foreigners can still take out as much cash as they want. There may be an agreement by tomorrow night or as late as Friday if Greece votes YES

In the mean time markets have moved sharply  down around the world starting in Japan, China, India and Australia. Oil is down also and Gold and Silver are not up much. We will take profits today if you are short as the decline may be temporary. We have been telling you that Dollar will strengthen in the 5th step up. This will continue with declines in between.

UVXY is up sharply today.  Interest rates are down and will continue down for a while as 5 steps up of the first leg  up were completed on Friday. DGAZ will continue to go up as natural gas prices continue to go down




Friday, June 26, 2015

Update For Friday June 26, 2015 Premarket

There is no change in our comments from two days ago. Markets want to go lower after early morning rallies which last till 8:30 AM West coast time because of foreign buying.

We take the liberty of publishing a portion of this article from www. KingworldNews.com
"The Greatest Fairy Tale Is Becoming A Nightmare That Will End In Total Collapse"

"The Bear Stearns Of The Muncipal Debt Crisis In The United States
But before investors mistakenly press the buy button once again, they have to realize that Puerto Rico is simply emblematic of a much larger problem. Puerto Rico is not an anomaly, it is more likely to be the “Bear Sterns” of the inevitable municipal debt crisis in the United States.
And then we have Greece. One thing is clear: Greece will default either through restructuring or debt monetization. The Greeks can remain in the European Union and submit to the austerity dictated to them by their German masters; or they can opt for self-imposed fiscal and monetary disciple under their own currency. In either case, this is a nation with a debt-to-GDP ratio north of 170% and which suffers from sharply contracting revenue growth. Chaos and default in Greece are unavoidable; but is best dealt with on their own terms.
KWN Fitzwilson VI 2:22:2015
China, Japan, Europe And The United States May Be Next
And as the rest of the world gawks at Greece and Puerto Rico’s economic misfortunes, what they fail to realize is that China, Japan, Europe and the United States aren’t that much different.
First let’s take Japan, one of the top economies in the world, whose debt is quickly approaching 250% of its GDP. If there was any question if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s three kamikaze arrows would be successful at saving the flailing Japanese economy, this week’s industrial output should provide the clear answer.
Japan’s Industrial output fell in May at the fastest pace in three months, the 2.2 percent decline in output compared with the median estimate for a 0.8 percent drop.  This added to fears the economy may once again be in contraction mode in the current quarter. The irony is that one of Abe’s arrows sought to destroy the Japanese yen in order to spur exports and economic growth. But Japanese GDP is lower today than it was back in 2010.
The United States is not much better. After seven years of zero interest rates and unprecedented debt monetization, our national debt load ($18.3 trillion) stands at 103% of our phony GDP. In the first quarter of 2015 the US economy contracted by 0.2% and growth is predicted to be around just 2% in Q2 — making growth at or below 1% for the entire first half. The additional $8 trillion in publicly traded debt piled onto the nation following 2007 was supposed to lead to economic nirvana, not a perpetual economic stupor.
And then of course we have China, whose market, despite massive government and central bank manipulation, has officially entered into bear-market territory.  Even with recent losses, the Shanghai Composite has surged 25% this year, and the Shenzhen Composite is up 67%. This stock market boom runs contradictory to the slowing pace of growth, which is at its weakest pace since 2009, while corporate profits are actually lower than they were a year ago.
This means exuberance for Chinese stocks isn't backed up by fundamentals. Instead, it appears markets are being levitated by continued government borrowings and manipulations–both of which seem to have lost their magic over the past few weeks.

The Greatest Fairy Tale Is Becoming A Nightmare
But the greatest bubble of all is the fairy tale that central bank money printing can lead to prosperity. The credibility of central banks to push asset prices and GDP inexorably higher through endless debt monetization is fading fast. The ugly truth is that debt in the developed world has now grown to such an excess that it has to be restructured or monetized.
This is why there isn’t an honest bond market left in the world. It is why the Bank of Japan is buying every Japanese government bond issued. And why the People’s Bank of China keeps cutting lending rates and reserve ratio requirements to prop up its ailing economy and bubble-addicted stock market. It’s also why the European Central Bank pledged “to do whatever it takes” to keep sovereign bond yields from rising—even in Greece. It is also the sad truth behind why the Fed seems unwilling to raise interest rates higher than zero percent…even after seven years.
King World News - Richard Russell - Prepare For Something Worse Than 1929 - 1932 ... Will The U.S. Seize People's Gold?
Total Collapse And A Worldwide Depression
These central banks are aware that once interest rates rise the whole illusion of solvency vanishes and the entire developed world will look no different than Greece and Puerto Rico. Once interest rates normalize, which is inevitable, these nations will undergo an explosion in debt service costs just as their bubble economies implode, causing annual deficits to skyrocket out of control. Therefore, unfortunately, a worldwide deflationary depression and/or intractable inflation has now become our unavoidable fate."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Update For Wednesday June 24, 2015 Premarket

The market is neither going up nor going down. Volume has been going down. NASDAQ and Russell
continue to make new highs while SPY and DJI  indicate distribution to weak hands.
US markets may be ready to move down again  after low volume rallies in the last two days.

Gold and Silver appear to be going down with retest of lows.Corporations are spending money on Buy Backs rather than investing in new plants and equipment.This is being done to benefit the insiders so that they can sell their options near the highs. First Quarter GDP was revised up to down 0,2 from down 0.7 previously. Any housing strength recently will be short lived as housing goes down when interest rates go up. Dollar completed its 4th step down on Monday and had a sharp move up yesterday.
After some consolidation Dollar will continue to go up now till it makes a new high in 5th step up.
Only after that it will start going down again.
No agreement  between Greece and Euro zone . Only way it is possible if Eurozone makes concessions. And that is possible if Germany sweetens the pot again to kick the can further down into the future.



 TNA    may be ready to go down but there is no SELL signal

 GLD  continues to go lower

 NUGT   Will continue to go lower
 DJ Transportation
 USO  giving short term BUY
 ERX  shrt term buy
 ERY   short term SELL
 UVXY    May be ready to go up
 DGAZ   Short term Buy

Monday, June 22, 2015

Update For Monday June 22, 2015 Premarket

Greece is again in the news.They will probably kick the can into the future. The GDP of Greece
is so small that it will not have much effect on US markets.We have been having rally since June
15, 2015 . The markets are fractured with NASDAQ and Russell 2000 making  new highs.
DJI and SPY did not make a new high and DJT and utilities are near lows.
Dollar  should be completing 4th step down and will start moving up to new highs.
Gold and Silver are moving back down after two day rallies
DJI & SPY and rest of the market should go down after a rally today to Thursday highs
or in the case of Russell 2000  and Nasdaq  may be making new highs.
According to CBO, US public debt levels have started going up again and will go above GDP
by 2040 and this is not sustainable

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